About the Owner ♡
Welcome! My name is Anna, and I am the being behind Sea Goat Spirit. I am a proud Asian-American woman, as well as a proud Capricorn. I am the sea goat personified! I have been walking in my gifts for the past 5 years, being guided by Spirit in early 2021 to provide my services on a larger scale as part of my life purpose in healing the collective.
From a young age, I was an extremely sensitive individual and incredibly in tune with the energies around me. I always felt "different", but could never seem to pinpoint why. This was until 2019 when I was led deeply into my purpose, following my first experience with "the dark night of the soul" - which formally introduced me to my own power, heightened my psychic abilities, heightened my awareness, and ultimately shifted my life for the better.
My goal is to bring you Divine wisdom from your spirit team for your highest & greatest good, so that you too can shift your life. I possess spiritual gifts which assist me in interpreting any intuitive messages I may receive from Spirit, while tarot and other forms of divination are used for additional confirmation.
I provide you the spiritual tools so that you can move about your life with a healthy balance of logic, emotion, wisdom, confidence, and most importantly, your own intuition. If you choose to book a service or purchase a product from me, know that I am so incredibly grateful for your trust, and hope to provide you with an enlightening experience.