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Career/Money Reading

Career/Money Reading

Regular price $55.00 USD
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Having concerns when it comes to work? Curious about that pending promotion? Maybe you want to know if money will picking up for you soon. Book a career reading! This is a voice recorded reading, sent by email with a voice memo attachment included. You will be able to ask up to 2 specific questions in regards to career (optional).


In this reading, we will be looking into current energies surrounding you when it comes to work/career/money, and what's to come towards you within the next 4 weeks. If there are any identifiable blockages preventing you from reaching your achievements, we will discuss what can be done to break through them and where to go from there. This reading can be up to 20 minutes, depending on what messages come through and how much is revealed. A brief and intuitive message of guidance from Spirit will also be given as it pertains to your question(s)/reading.


No health, death, or law related questions.



*After booking, you will receive a confirmation email AND an additional email that gives you access to the booking form. Please be sure to check your junk/spam folder, if you do not see it. This form is where you will tell me your name, your job status, etc. Filling out this form with the necessary information is required in order for me to proceed with your reading. You MUST fill out the form within 12 hours of booking, if you want to receive your reading on time. YOU are responsible for making sure that all of your information is correct when going through the process. You will be refunded otherwise.*

Turnaround Time

The turnaround time for this reading is three (3) business days. Your reading WILL get to you, if you completed the process correctly. Trust in Divine timing. Should anything change on my behalf, I will reach out to you via email. 

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